WHAT IS Pills?
We’re Strategizing the Way the Businesses Grow and Transform.
Pills is a Strategic Design and Consultancy practice that enables corporations -as well as entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs- to transform and/or innovate through their value chain in order to provide growth, innovation, brand value and equity by implementing systems thinking, future proofing, strategizing marketing and awareness activities.
Based on a growth oriented approach Pills serves above-said essential need segments of a company in 4 modules:
the brand.
Partners & Clients
Pills has a flexible business model in terms of collaboration methods with its clientele. The platform has been designed to be benefited by everyone. A company can hire the modules of Pills for its corporate requirements or an organization which lacks the necessary mechanism can hire Pills under their umbrella as a service provider and under intellectual property regulations.
So you can either become a Client or a Strategic Partner with Pills.
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